CMSED course for all people to know how to treat any emergency situation. About Courses
CMSed Diploma is known as diploma in Community Medical Service & Essential Drugs (CMS & ED). It is a diploma for primary health care by general allopathic medicines which are recommended by world health organization (WHO) for primary health care. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has given an order that CMS Diploma holder can give primary treatment in all diseases including infection diseases.
Course Duration
Community Medical Service & Essential Drugs (CMS & ED) is 18 months (3 Semester) course.
High school , Intermediate or Higher, RMP, BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BSMS, BEMS, BNYS, BPT, DPT, Rural Doctors, B. Pharma, D. Pharma, DNYS, Degree/ Diploma in Alternative Medicines, Paramedical, Nursing, Naturopathy etc.
Important Document for admission
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